Thursday, February 11, 2016

Gravitational waves finally observed?

It's all over the news and really exciting! What I'm talking about is, the first ever observation of gravitational waves!

Physicists are going to announce it on Friday and if these rumors about observing gravity waves are true, then yayy!
Now, why is this such a big deal?
Gravitational waves are theoretical predictions of the general relativity theory and now finally, we have been able to detect them.
Consider space-time to be flat(like a sheet) and when we put a massive object on it, the sheet bends. This phenomena spreads out in the form of waves(gravitational) that gives you information(when detected) about that particular mass. So if u have details of gravitational waves, you basically have the details of that object causing this curve in the flat space-time sheet! Sounds easy, but its really difficult to detect these waves, as they're really small, because they come from a great distance and hence lose their strength(like a ripple in the water, losing strength after some distance). So detecting something that small, is a big deal and we have been able to achieve that! 
So for those interested, here are some links to check out!

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